How to Get More Customers for Your StartUp.

 How to Get More Customers for Your StartUp

Starting your own company is main dream of many peoples. So, to follow their dreams they actually starts their own company by sacrificing many things like time, family, friends, etc. But very few of them get result as they were expecting before starting company. Because, There is lot of difference between
Theoretical Knowledge and Own Experience. When it comes to Theoretical Knowledge there is very less possibility that things would go wrong, but When we talk about Practical Knowledge or Experience it's whole different level.
So, You may be asking yourself why this things happens?
Let me tell you. This happens because maybe your company or your product seems unable to attract people. And the main reason for this is :

  1. Your Company or Product isn't Good Enough.
  2. And Lack Of Marketing.

  1. Your Company or Product isn't Good Enough.
Startups are nothing but making mistakes and correcting them. If you are making mistakes but not correcting them your product fails. Many times this happens that founders try to catch the market in less time and as result they ignore the quality of their product. And due to this as your name present in market and people buy your product but Due  to quality they remain unsatisfied. So, they go for another Brand. 

If you focus on the quality than quantity, at first it will take time to capture the market but, once your name or product is in market you will get very effective results. 

    2. Lack Of Marketing.

Many times this happens that lack of marketing is the reason for startup failure. It doesn't matter you product quality is good or bad, If you product is not reaching in peoples hands you are not going to make it. So, How you gonna do that? 

You need to do marketing of your product. In this era of technology marketing is very simple if you know how to do that. 

1. Make an Official website for your Brand: 

Every minute thousand of people google something. And if you want people to find your company it should be available on Internet.

2. Use of Social Media Platform: 

Making or Creating pages on Facebook or Instagram helps you to connect with people who are willing to work for you or wants to know about your product.  Because from the last 2-5 years there is huge growth in social media platform users. People spend more time on social media app rather than reading actual news paper. 

3. Emails :

Send E-mails to your daily users and let them know about any offers or discounts any kind of stuff. In that case they will be in touch with you.

4. Posters

This is kind of expensive step. But, If you are willing to capture more customers this is really gonna help. (Note: Should place your posters in traffic area so that many people can see).

These are the few methods that you can take for marketing your product.

Starting your own company is easy but managing it is chaos. But if you are willing to start it no one is going to stop you. Just need proper management and some good folks who are with you in good as well as in hard times. 

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." 

                                        Bill Gates, Microsoft Co-founder.


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